The Perth Modernian Society Museum Association Inc. seeks to advance the heritage, culture and education through funding the operations of the Perth Modern School Museum Inc.
Our Museum conserves and preserves an enormous range of school artefacts as well as archiving the precious original school student records. It has become a focal point for families researching genealogy, researchers seeking deeper understand of education and society in years gone by, or for individuals just looking for an old friend.
With the combination of generous donations (thanks to our tax-deductible gift status) and grants from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Lotterywest and other grants, our active volunteers have been able to undertake a wide range of curatorial and restoration projects honouring the School’s history:
- Refurbish and update the World War I Memorial and World War II seat
- Maintain and update the digital records of school alumni
- Update the Honour Boards in the Beasley Building with new Boards identifying alumni previously omitted
- Research and reproduce Walter Gardham (first Manual Arts teacher in 1911) family information using his glass photographic plates that were previously donated by family
- Restoration of a drawing of Mr Joseph Parsons (Principal 1912 – 1939)
- Digitised paintings by F. E. Mills (long term teacher at the school, art and even chemistry over the war years) from the donated originals
- Continue to restore and didsplay WA schools science equipment with a view to future digitisation
- Create a digital Honour Board of World War I and World War II that is now available on the school website at honour.perthmodern.wa.edu.au
- Update computer equipment used to maintain and extend our alumni digital database
- Contract a coordinator to support our Museum volunteer activities
- Provide information to alumni and their families, groups and researchers about our alumni
- Currently under construction is a digital nominal Honour Board for the School website, which will identify all alumni who served in military conflicts.
Annual Report
The Perth Modernian Society Museum Association Inc. has a financial reporting period from 1 July – 30 June annually. The current and previous years’ Annual Reports can be found here.
Museum Committee
The Museum Committee is made up of Museum Volunteers who meet formally four times a year and report to the Museum Association Board and the Council of the Perth Modernian Society. These volunteers are responsible for the protection, conservation and publication of records of the School, former staff and students and the research and preparation of displays and activities to honour the history and share in the heritage of Perth Modern School.
If you would be interested in volunteering for the Museum, please complete our Volunteering Form.
The Association relies on donations to maintain the museum and fund special projects. You can help by using the online donation form or the printed donation form.
If you choose to make a bequest, your gift will go toward supporting the Museum in conserving and preserving school artefacts and records.
A simple sample wording for a general bequest might be: “I give to the Perth Modernian Society Museum Association Incorporated, ABN 73 761 561 543, of 9o Roberts Road, Subiaco 6008 (the “Museum Association”) [1% of my residuary estate OR insert dollar amount] for the general purposes of the Museum Association.”
Please note that this is a sample only and does not constitute legal advice. We encourage you to consult your lawyer.
Archives and Biographical Information
You can contribute to the Perth Modern School Archives.
Biographical information, photographs and memorabilia related to former staff and students of Perth Modern School is sought for inclusion in the records to facilitate displays, publications and enquiries from family members and other approved researchers. If you have not done so already, please submit your details via our Biographical Information Form.
Former students and staff, family members and other approved researchers with a valid reason may apply for past student records in accordance with the Education Department policy though the Past Student Records Form.
Contact Us
Opening Hours: 9.30am until midday on Mondays during school terms, or by appointment.
Other times can be arranged by contacting the Association at museum@perthmoderniansociety.org.au or by phoning (08) 6189 3690.